Emma L. Minnis Junior Academy officially broke ground for a new school on property located at 629 S. 20th Street on February 8, 2010. School and Church leaders from Magazine Street and New Life Seventh-day Adventist Church were present to mark the occasion. Also, on hand to help celebrate the event was the Honorable David Tandy, City Councilman for Council District 4.
Pastor Kennedy Luckett of the Magazine Street SDA Church began the ground breaking ceremony by presenting the statement of purpose. Next, Pastor Fred Moore from New Life Seventh-day Adventist Church gave the invocation. Special remarks were given by Mr. Glen Hunt, Contractor for Carroll Rogers, Inc., Mr. Daniel Mitchell, Principal of Emma L. Minnis School, and City Councilman, David Tandy. Afterwards, the official breaking of the ground took place.
The new school which is approximately 6,500 square feet will be built across the street from the Magazine Street Seventh-day Adventist Church. The $500,000 building is eco-friendly and will have high-efficient windows and doors and heating and cooling systems. Construction of the new school will be completed with in the next several months. The grand opening ceremony will take place in the fall of 2010. Presently, there are 28 students enrolled at the Academy.
Serving the Louisville area since 1915, Emma L. Minnis Junior Academy has been educating students for over 90 years. The school which serves grades pre K-8 is an accredited private school. Emma L. Minnis Academy provides quality Christian education through a curriculum that emphasizes the academic, social, and spiritual development of each child. Emma L. Minnis Academy was named after a former music teacher. For more information, please visit our website at elminnisacademy.org.